FALSE: Hair transplant is performed only once.

TRUE: If the hair in the area where the hair will be taken is sufficient for the area where the hair will be transplanted, transplantation can be performed as many times as desired.

FALSE: Those who have fine stranded hair can not have a hair transplant.

TRUE: Hair transplant is also performed for people with fine stranded hair. The only downside to being fine-stranded is that they need to have more hair transplantation than normal or thick-stranded hair.

FALSE: Hair transplantation is not performed in summer.

TRUE: The information that hair transplantation is not in summer is incorrect. Hair transplantation can be done in all seasons. Patients who have hair transplantation in summer should avoid too much heat for 2 to 5 days.

FALSE: Those who have white hair cannot have a hair transplant.

TRUE: No. It requires an operation that is challenging and demanding compared to normal hair transplantation. Special optical magnifiers are used in the operation of hair transplantation.

FALSE: Hair transplantation is painful.

TRUE: No. With the development of hair transplant techniques, hair transplantation is performed using very thin needles during the operation. Since local anesthesia is applied to the area to be transplanted, no pain is felt during the operation.


Aesthetic and Plastic Surgeon Dr. Serdar Bora BAYRAKTAROĞLU