FALSE: VelaShape does not apply to every region.

TRUE: It can be done in any region. It can be applied with different apparatus to the abdomen, lower-upper legs, buttocks, upper arms and face areas that are problematic.

FALSE: The patient feels pain during VelaShape treatment.

TRUE: No. In the VelaShape process, the patient feels a comfort similar to a warm deep tissue massage.

FALSE: The VelaShape is not certified.

TRUE: The effects of VelaShape device on thinning and cellulite reduction are approved by the FDA, which is the American Drug Administration.

FALSE: VelaShape and UltraShape are slimming devices.

TRUE: No. The purpose of devices is not to get rid of excess weight. It helps you get rid of regional lipoidosys that you can’t give, even though you are dieting and exercising. It provides thinning and tightening.

FALSE: With UltraShape and VelaShape III, only regional thinning is achieved.

TRUE: No. Both of them can help you get rid of the cellulite problems you’re experiencing.

FALSE: Anyone can get a UltraShape.

TRUE: For patients with a body mass index below 30% and regional fat lipoidosys, the application of UltraShape is an ideal option.


Aesthetic and Plastic Surgeon Dr. Serdar Bora BAYRAKTAROĞLU