
I am an aesthetic surgeon and my name is Serdar Bora Bayraktaroğlu.

This is “Plastic Surgery of the Week” Vaser Hi-Def Liposuction!

I will tell you about this surgery, which is a miracle in muscle design and body contouring surgery, through this patient.


Vaser High Definition Liposuction, known as Vaser Hi-Def, is a unique special liposuction procedure applied to male and female patients.

In fact, we can call it a kind of liposculpture, or body design surgery with asymmetric fat removal.

Classically, I perform Vaser liposuction on my patients, but what is a Vaser?

Vaser is the process of melting fat using ultrasound energy. The Vaser device breaks down fat cells by focusing sound waves on fat cells with the help of a channel; you can imagine this as melting butter in a pan. I remove this fat tissue that is broken down and melted from your body by the liposuction method in the same surgery.

What are the differences between Vaser liposuction and Vaser Hi-Def liposuction?

As we know, our bodies are made up of layers of muscle. As these muscles wrap around our body, we can see that they are apparent or weak in certain areas and they are protected by a thin sheath in certain areas and this thin sheath may form some natural folds.

Vaser Target Liposuction is the procedure we perform to obtain a more muscular, athletic appearance in which the muscles and the grooves of these muscles are anatomically identified and the grooves of these muscles become apparent.

We do not use this type of muscle design and the target feature that provides this type of asymmetric fat removal when removing excess fat tissue in the classic Vaser lipo procedure.

Because the patients for whom both are suitable are different and both have different duration of surgery, postoperative, and recovery periods.

We can remove fats in certain regions with classic liposuction whereas we can also remove fats in thinner areas with Vaser Hi-Def. We highlight the body’s grooves by removing excess fat from the body as if it were a lace job.

All right, let’s take a look at this patient.

My patient is a 43-year-old young healthy male, eats healthy and exercise; however, this patient’s body is tight even though his body is fatty and this is an advantage for us.

He stated that he had been working out for a long time and had not achieved the muscular appearance he had imagined, and asked me to transform him into a more muscular, athletic body when he first applied to me.

Well, let’s take a look at what I see in my patient.

In fact, my patient’s body is obviously very muscular, but these muscles are trapped inside his fatty body.

The breast area is fatty and this fattening extends to the armpit, this is what we call gynecomastia, which is the female breast appearance in men, and for an athletic body, this fatty appearance needs to be reduced and the chest muscles need to become prominent.

The abdominal area is fatty and the fattening of the abdominal area makes the waist look thick and the absence of a body cavity makes the upper body of the patient look short.

The waist area is quite thick as you can see.

The folds to his groin are slightly defined.

Although his arms are muscular, they are bulky and muscle grooves are not visible.

Now, let’s talk about the process itself, how is the Vaser target performed?

We shape the body with ultrasonic waves.

There is no scarring since we perform liposuction with very thin cannulae.

Vaser Hi-Def application is performed under general anesthesia in a hospital environment.

It takes approximately 3-5 hours depending on the patient’s condition.

We melt and remove the fat in the fatty areas with Vaser and liposuction cannulae through small incisions as I have just explained.

We apply a detailed and fine workmanship treatment in every area we want to give the appearance of natural muscle.

There are tubes called drainage in the areas where the procedure is performed after the Vaser target procedure. These drains help to remove the edema fluid collected inside so that the edema is less and lasts shorter and the results are more effective.

Let’s take a look at the after picture of my patient.

Thinning and a more muscular pectoral image was formed in the thoracic region of the patient, the borders of the thoracic muscle were more defined.

Abdominal muscles and grooves are defined, the transition to the groin is quite defined, the under-belly skin is almost fat-free.

We obtained a very fit appearance since the waist was thinned; the grooves and folds descending from the waist to the groin of the patient became very prominent and formed a masculine appearance.

You can also see the deltoid and biceps muscle grooves in his arms become prominent.

The results are very athletic masculine and impressive as in this patient.

We all move less with the comfort of modern life. As such, our body is experiencing fattening problems, especially in some areas.

That’s why our silhouette is thicker than it should be. Therefore, it is the technology that melts the fats like melting butter in a pan and allows us to retrieve them with the Vaser technology developed.

And for whom is the Vaser target procedure suitable? I think the most important parameter for the Vaser target will be the question of whether you are the right patient.

I’d like to start by asking who is not suitable for you. The following patients are not

Those who are overweight

Those with excessive sagging

Those who do not eat healthily

Those who do not exercise regularly

Best candidates are revealed when the not-suitable group is formed.

We have criteria to see if you are a suitable patient in pre-procedure examinations. For example, you are ideal if your fat-body mass index is around 20-25%.

This means that

Lightweight and tight bodies

Those who eat healthily

Regular athletes are ideal candidates for this target Vaser liposuction.

I did not discriminate between men and women here, but I think the Hi-Def procedure is more accurate in men, but of course, women are also ideal, but the excessive muscular appearance does not look aesthetic in the female body.

So what kind of Hi-Def do I propose for women?

I find the results in which the grooves become evident more elegant than the excessive muscular appearance, and I recommend this if my female patients meet the above criteria.

Which regions is the Vaser target performed on?

Of course, the answer to this question lies in the process. Anywhere to make you look muscular is suitable for the Vaser target. So what are these regions?

  • Arms, muscle grooves, deltoid line become prominent
  • The prominence of your breast circumference, pectoral muscle, increases
  • Your abdomen and six-pack muscles become prominent and highlight their relationship with oblique muscles.
  • Your waist and waist groove appear and your waist becomes thinner.
  • The latissimus dorsi, which is your back and wing muscles, reveals the prominence and groove of your muscle.
  • Your groin and groin-waist line, groin-abdomen line become prominent and defined.

Do you lose weight with this surgery?

Any area of the body that has excess fat, i.e. arms, legs, hips, abdomen, and back, can be treated. However, we can only take a certain amount of fat. So this is not a weight-loss operation.

Who is not suitable?

Vaser Hi-Def application is not performed on very thin or very overweight patients.

I do not recommend it to patients who lose excessive weight and have sagging skin

A special corset is worn at the end of the operation. This corset prevents edema and ensures a comfortable recovery process.

Postoperative Process

We host you at the hospital for 1 night on the day of the operation. The tiny edema and pain that occur are controlled by the medications I will give you.

I will discharge you to your home the next day. You will take the painkillers and antibiotics I give you carefully. I will remove your drainage at the first checkup. Your early edema may increase in the first two days, and this is a natural process. You’ll see your edema decrease after 3 days.

You can gradually return to your normal life after the third day. However, I suggest you start your daily life full of sports and intense activity after 2 weeks.

Your body will need some rest after the Vaser Hi-Def operation. You need to consider this process as a fresh start. Taking time for yourself has positive effects in terms of the outcome of the surgery in this process.

A protein-weighted diet, a smoking- and alcohol-free diet, and consuming plenty of fluids are important for you to have a quality recovery.

We can see the results immediately after Vaser Hi-Def surgery. The changes in the area where the procedure is performed are noticed immediately after the use of the corset is over.

Combination Therapy

I combine it with other surgeries if I deem this surgery necessary. We also have the chance to use the fats we take from you in other regions. For example, I can inject fat into the areas needed on your face.

A Brief Overview of Vaser Hi-Def Application:

Anesthesia: General anesthesia

Technique: Removal of excess body fat.

Duration: 3-4 hours

Admission: 1 night

Pain: No

Edema: Mild to moderate

Stitches: No

Scar: No

Normal Life: You can go back to your social life in two weeks.

Effectiveness: Persistency for years.