Lines and wrinkles between the eyebrows cause the face to look tired and gives the appearance of been worried and angry. The lines and wrinkles are eliminated with filling applications. A frown line filling application is based on hyaluronic acid injections. Anesthetic creams or local anesthesia is applied to the area to be treated, before the procedure is performed.

Who can have Forehead and Frown Line Filling?
- People who are unhappy due to looking worried and angry. Or anybody that is unhappy with this type of lines and wrinkles appearing in the forehead and eyebrow regions.
- A procedure performed to rejuvanete skin quality and restore volume loss around forehead and frown lines. We use collogen (Hyaluronic Acid) fillers and Radiesse (mineral fillers) for this purpose.
- This procedure can be performed in the Clinic SBB.
- Dr. Serdar Bora Bayraktaroğlu will discuss the details of the procedure during your consultation.

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Chi può avere la radiofrequenza ad aghi?

Chiunque abbia più di 16 anni e abbia problemi come acne, pelle e cedimenti può avere questa applicazione.

Il sistema di radiofrequenza frazionata microneedle è una tecnologia di recente sviluppo. La radiofrequenza ad aghi consiste in una testa composta da piccoli aghi d'oro sulla punta e un'unità di radiofrequenza a cui questa testa è attaccata.

L'energia di radiofrequenza viene trasmessa agli strati inferiori della pelle con l'aiuto di aghi d'oro e riscalda i tessuti. Con la produzione di nuovo collagene nei tessuti e la riparazione del collagene danneggiato, il rinnovamento della pelle, la riparazione dei tessuti danneggiati, emerge una pelle luminosa e tesa.

Quali sono le aree di applicazione della Radiofrequenza ad ago (Ago d'oro)?

- Trattamento delle rughe

- Trattamento delle cicatrici da acne

- Trattamento delle macchie della pelle

- Compressione dei pori

- Rinnovamento della pelle e aumento della qualità

- Eliminazione del cedimento del viso, del collo e della zona del basso collo

- Trattamento del cedimento di braccia e gambe

- Trattamento delle cicatrici

- Trattamento delle fratture

Come si applica il sistema di radiofrequenza ad aghi?

- La crema antidolorifica viene applicata sulla zona da trattare per prevenire il dolore.

- La pelle viene pulita e la dose appropriata viene regolata indossando un cappuccio personalizzato.

- Durante l'applicazione, che dura circa 40 minuti, si fanno più passaggi sulle aree problematiche.

Cosa si prova dopo la radiofrequenza ad aghi?

- Alla fine della procedura, si può notare un leggero rossore e piccole croste.

- Per una rapida guarigione delle ferite, le creme per la cura delle ferite e i filtri solari dovrebbero essere usati per 3-4 giorni.

- Si raccomanda di non fare il bagno il giorno dopo la procedura e di stare lontano dal mare e dal sole.

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Chi può avere l'applicazione del Peeling meccanico?

Coloro che hanno problemi di acne e cicatrici chirurgiche, rughe, macchie della pelle o fratture dell'isola

Il peeling meccanico (Dermabrasion) è il processo di levigatura della pelle per ridurre l'aspetto ruvido sulla superficie della pelle.

Lo strato più superficiale della pelle dell'applicazione viene staccato. Dopo che lo strato superficiale della pelle è stato rimosso, uno strato di pelle più liscio, teso e fresco emerge mentre la ferita guarisce.

Cosa può essere trattato con il peeling meccanico?

Con applicazione di peeling meccanico;

- Trattamento delle cicatrici da acne

- Macchie della pelle

- Trattamento delle fratture

- Cicatrici chirurgiche

- Miglioramento del tessuto collagene

- Riduzione delle rughe

- Il tono della pelle e l'equilibrio dell'idratazione possono essere regolati.

Cosa si prova dopo l'applicazione del Peeling meccanico?

- L'applicazione non ha effetti collaterali.

- Dopo l'applicazione, ci può essere del rossore sulla pelle che scomparirà in circa mezz'ora.

- Dopo il peeling meccanico, la pelle deve essere protetta dal sole.

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Chemical Peeling is a procedure performed to revitalize dull and lifeless-looking skin and purify it from dead cells. It is a method based on superficial peeling of various layers of the skin. Chemical Peeling is useful in terms of eliminating sun spots, wrinkles, and acne scars, as well as controlling the skin's oil and moisture balances.

Chemical peeling is intended to eliminate the rough top skin layer and help gain a healthier, smoother, radiant soft skin, that has no spots. "Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs)" that contain glycolic, lactic and fruit acids are preferred in the procedure. Natural acids derived from fruit and other foods are used as a superficial peeling agent. Medium-depth peeling is performed with TCA (trichloroacetic acid) while deep-peeling is performed with Phenol (carbolic acid).

Who can have Chemical Peeling?
- Anyone who has skin that looks dull and lifeless or skin with spots.
- A procedure performed to rejuvenate skin quality and treat spots around the face, neck and hands. We use chemical peels, enzymatic peels or laser peels for this purpose.
- This procedure can be performed in the Clinic SBB.
- Redness may be seen afterwards.
- Dr. Serdar Bora Bayraktaroğlu will discuss the details of the procedure during your consultation.

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Mesotherapy is a procedure performed using very thin and short injector needles.

Mesotherapy is mostly used for the purpose of skin rejuvenation, cellulite treatment, regional slimming, hair loss and the elimination of wrinkles.

  • Cellulite treatment with Mesotherapy
  • Skin rejuvenation with Mesotherapy
  • Regional slimming with Mesotherapy
  • Hair Mesotherapy

Who can have Mesotherapy?
- It is an ideal procedure for those who suffer from cellulite, regional fat deposition, wrinkles and hair loss problems.
- A procedure performed to rejuvanate skin quality around the face, neck and various areas of the body. We use Hyaluronic Acid, vitamins and minerals our skin requires.
- This procedure can be performed in the Clinic SBB.
- Redness may be seen afterwards.
- Dr. Serdar Bora Bayraktaroğlu will discuss the details of the procedure during your consultation.

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Carbon Peeling, Q-Switched Nd: It is a procedure performed by using YAG Laser. With the Carbon Peeling procedure performed for skin spot treatment, pores are reduced and a youthful appearance is obtained. Before the laser application a carbon solution is applied to the surface of the skin with intent to increase the efficiency of the laser in terms of color tone.

The carbon cream is kept on the skin for 15-20 minutes it is absorbed by the pores. The color enhancement process can easily be carried out on the skin and inside the pores.

Who can have Carbon Peeling?
- Anyone who complains of pore size, skin dullness, skin spots, wrinkles and sagging and who wants to rejuvenate his/her skin.
- A procedure performed to rejuvenate skin quality and treat spots around the face, neck and hands. We use chemical peels, enzymatic peels or laser peels for this purpose.
- This procedure can be performed in the Clinic SBB.
- Redness may be seen afterwards.
- Dr. Serdar Bora Bayraktaroğlu will discuss the details of the procedure during your consultation.

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An excessive increase in the amount of pigment (melanin) that creates the skin color leads to skin spots. Enzyme Peeling is one of the procedures performed to lighten brown spots, which develop due to the effect of the sun in particular. This procedure that can be performed every season is suitable for all skin types.

The patient can return to his/her normal life and daily activities the same day after having the Enzyme Peeling procedure. This procedure having a high success rate has almost no side effects.

Who can have Enzyme (Enzymatic) Peeling?
- Those who have certain problems such as age spot, sun-spot, pregnancy spot (melasma) and acne scars.
- A procedure performed to rejuvenate skin quality and treat spots around the face, neck and hands. We use chemical peels, enzymatic peels or laser peels for this purpose.
- This procedure can be performed in the Clinic SBB.
- Redness may be seen afterwards.
- Dr. Serdar Bora Bayraktaroğlu will discuss the details of the procedure during your consultation.

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Informazioni su Profound RF

Informazioni su Profound RF

Profound System

Why Consider the Profound System? Patients seek treatments that: Are less painful and invasive than surgery Offer an alternative to the use of toxins and fillers Require more manageable downtime The Profound® system provides a non-surgical alternative to address aging skin: Using radiofrequency (RF) injectable energy, it provides long-lasting facial wrinkle reduction and improves the appearance of cellulite.4,5 Key Benefits of Profound RF Microneedling The Profound system can help your practice: Fill the treatment gap that exists between dermal injectables and invasive surgery Adopt new patients in advance of surgery Retain existing patients who are not ready for surgical procedures Increase revenue with complementary treatments and future procedures Bottom line: The Profound system enhances aesthetics practices by providing a clinically proven, non-surgical, single-treatment procedure1,4,5 that requires less practice expense and patient downtime.

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With increasing age, those who have a small chin experience certain problems with their lower jaw region. Rapid weight losses and sun damages aggravate the existing problem in the region. The unhappy and sad expression that appears in the face when the corners of the mouth turn down is eliminated with the mouth enhancement procedure.

In addition, asymmetry problems in the mouth area and wrinkles around the mouth, as well as the problems suffered by patients with a structurally recessed chin and weak jaw line, can also be eliminated with this procedure.

Who can have a mouth enhancement procedure?
- Those with an asymmetry problem or those with wrinkles around their mouths.
- A procedure performed to rejuvanete skin quality and restore volume loss around the mouth, chin and jawline. We use collogen (Hyaluronic Acid) fillers and Radiesse (mineral fillers) for this purpose.
- This procedure can be performed in the Clinic SBB.
- Dr. Serdar Bora Bayraktaroğlu will discuss the details of the procedure during your consultation.

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After the age of 30, the skin begins to get thinner and the loss of fat tissue occur in the cheeks. Such losses lead to sagging and the loss of volume in the face. Cheek filling is used to enhance the face and the cheekbones, caused by advancing of age and weight loss and to proportionally accentuate the cheeks.

This procedure adds clarity and beauty to the facial expression. Natural and clear beauty is an important element of the aesthetic appearance of the cheeks. The filler injected under the skin within a period of 20 to 30 minutes (average) enables the face to look younger. The results are immediate and the patient can return to her daily life immediately after treatment.

Who can have Cheek Filling?
- Any body over the age of 18, who is unhappy by their appearance can have Cheek Filling. There is no upper age limit.
- A procedure performed to rejuvanete skin quality and restore volume loss around the face and neck. We use collogen (Hyaluronic Acid) fillers and Radiesse (mineral fillers) for this purpose.
- This procedure can be performed in the Clinic SBB.
- Dr. Serdar Bora Bayraktaroğlu will discuss the details of the procedure during your consultation.

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Collagen and elastin production begins to slow down, while the cells lose their vitality in skin tissue that has worn out due to aging. This wear occurs more especially in smokers. In recent years, this wear can be prevented and delayed with techniques developed by the tissue and genetic engineering. Stem Cell provides important benefits in this area.

How is stem cell treatment performed?
1 cup (50-200cc) of fat tissue is taken from the abdomen, waist and hip regions of the patient. A simple and short procedure performed in the operating room of hospitals by an Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Specialist. During this simple procedure performed under anesthesia the patient feels no pain. For SVF production, the stem cells in the fat tissue obtained are dissolved through a special device. SVF is supported with special cures and then is immediately given to the patient as cells in an alive and fresh state.

Who can have Stem Cell procedure?
People aged 35-65 years, who see that their skin tissues have worn out due to aging and environmental factors, are eligible candidates for the Stem Cell therapy.

Stem Cell
The patient can be discharged on the same day.
Dr. Serdar will discuss the options with you during your consultation

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